Monday, February 27, 2012

The 16 Steps to Overcoming Denial Of White Privilege

**The following piece draws on addiction theory in adapting "The 16 Steps of Discovery and Empowerment," by Charlotte Kasl in working on psychological barriers to understanding one's white privilege. It is somewhat tongue in cheek, and hopefully offers an articulation of some of the mechanisms which may support an unquestioned perception of innocence in systems of racism. In addition to teachings and readings by indigenous folks and people of colour, for a basic illustration of what constitutes "white privilege" click here.

The Steps:

1.) We affirm we have the power to dismantle systems of racism and stop being dependent on white privilege for our self-esteem and security.

2.) We come to believe that our Inner Spirit/Connecting Force/Universal Love/Higher Power awakens the healing wisdom within us when we open ourselves to understanding our white privilege.

3.) We make a decision to become our authentic selves and trust in the healing power of understanding and challenging the disproportionate benefits we receive based on our whiteness.

4.) We examine our beliefs, actions, and successes in the context of living in a capitalist, colonial-imperial, patriarchal, ableist, racist, genocidal, transphobic, homophobic society.

5.) We share with other white folks, the Universe, and meditate within ourselves on all the reasons inside of us we feel shame and guilt related to systems of racism that benefit our whiteness.

6.) We affirm our own humanity and humility in challenging ourselves to see the implications of the disproportionate benefits we receive for our whiteness.

7.) We become willing to let go of shame, guilt, and any behaviour that keeps us from acknowledging our white privilege and the impacts of systems of racism.

8.) We make a list of the ways in which we have been conditioned to accept access and privilege based on our whiteness and the resultant harms to people of colour (poc) and indigenous folks (IP). We take steps to accountability by committing ourselves to an ongoing process of understanding and reflecting on the impacts of white privilege.

9.) We express love and gratitude to others, and increasingly appreciate the wonder of life and the blessings of gaining awareness of the impacts of our privileges.

10.) We learn to trust the realities of poc and IP and daily affirm that they see what they see, they know what they know, and become sensitive to what they feel.

11.) We promptly admit to mistakes and make amends when appropriate. We do not cover-up, excuse, or abdicate responsibility for the impact whiteness has on others.

12.) We seek to create relationships, settings, workplaces, and social spaces where people address their white privilege and do not seek to avoid situations that require us to work across difference for shared understanding.

13.) We take steps to nourish our bodies, spiritual selves, relationships, heal from trauma, connect with others and have fun.

14.) We incorporate our understanding of white privilege into our daily passions and develop the will and wisdom to challenge the systems, institutions, practices, and relations that benefit us.

15.) We accept that conflict may arise and the difficult communication and emotional processing that challenging white privilege entails. We use these opportunities as lessons for our continued personal growth.

16.) We grow in awareness that we are sacred beings, interrelated with all living things, and we contribute to restoring peace and balance on the planet by committing ourselves to taking active steps to dismantle these systems of privilege.

***Please feel free to add additional steps and understandings.

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